Customer Engagement Tips for the New Year

When is comes to customer engagement, there is no one size fits all approach. Every customer is different – while some are happy to browse with very little encouragement, others require a tad more motivation. However, there are various methods to adopt to keep customers happy, loyal and engaged.  This week we’ve got some customer engagement tips to help you keep them shopping.

Customer engagement tips:

  • Connect with customers from the very beginning. There is a reason many retailers have ‘greeters’ to welcome customers the minute they enter the store. This creates a certain connection that remains with the customer as they shop – and builds on the positive experience from the get-go.
  • Keep connecting. Your employees, while not appearing too pushy, should always be on hand to assist, provide help or answers when required. This too creates a connection and helps to build loyalty.
  • Optimize your physical space with displays that evoke certain feelings or play on the seasons. Take advantage of colour psychology. Better yet, utilize technology that promotes interaction in-store. Well-planned and well-executed planograms are also an effective way to achieve this optimization.
  • Host an experiential marketing campaign to get customers interested in new products or to create combo-buys that they perhaps would not have considered otherwise. A taste-test or a technology demonstration is a great way to show customers how great a product is, and countless studies have shown that these lead to sales that would have otherwise not taken place.
  • Get them talking. Unique, thought-provoking content posted on your social media pages is a great way to get customers talking about your brand and thinking about you when they are out shopping.

Consumer engagement, while not always meant to slow a shopper down while in-store, can also be achieved in that way. In the retail industry, it is undeniable that the longer a customer spends in store, the more money they will spend. How, then, could the idea of slowing a shopper down ever be considered a bad idea profit-wise? Inspiring a customer to slow their pace, touch, taste, or try a product, or just interact with a display, means that they will take that experience and either file it away for future reference or take it directly to the cash register. Either way, it’s a win-win for you.

At Marketsupport, we appreciate how important consumer engagement is, and we hope these tips help. Want to get a strategy in place? Get in touch today by calling 1 877 421 5081.

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