Retail Management: How Engaged Are Your Employees?

Retail management in today’s industry seems to be far more volatile than even 15 years ago. The hard-working, career-minded retail employees of the past seem to be shrinking in number, and employees are now using retail more as a stepping stone rather than a career path. This means that retailers are forced to rework strategies to ensure disruption is minimized when it comes to employee turnover and transitional training periods.

Employees’ reasons for remaining with a company now are multifaceted and directly related to their levels of engagement. So how can retailers work to keep employees engaged and interested in remaining with a company?

Here is a great infographic which shows certain reaons for remaining with a company in relation to levels of engagement:


If your employees are disengaged, customer service and experience levels will drop. This is never a good thing. Keeping your employees happy and engaged is just as important as keeping customers happy and engaged. Both will impact your bottom line.

Need to get a retail management plan in place to get employees and customers engaged? Marketsupport can help. Contact us today at 1-877-421-5081.

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