What’s Happening Right Now? Retail Trends to Watch

Retail TrendsWe are well into 2014 now and hopefully your retail merchandising tactics are going ahead without a hitch. That being said, it is never a bad idea to keep an eye on the emerging retail trends and revamping your plans to suit them.  With that in mind, we thought we’d rehash some of the ones we have found to be the most inspiring and fruitful for the coming months!

  1. Personalization. What’s old is new again, and recognizing your brand targets and building connections has become more critical than ever. Shoppers don’t want to just be another number on your visitor list – they want to feel catered to, and personalization is the way to do this. A great way to achieve this is through the emotional connections made through your merchandising. Sensory technology is great in this regard, and can show customers that you are truly listening to their wants and needs.
  2. Content-rich experiences. A one-dimensional shopping experience has become a thing of the past, and in order to compete (especially with the rise of online/mobile shopping) creating a high level of engagement can be highly effectual. Consumers want to be entertained, but they also want to be informed – this can mean major gains when it comes to ROI.
  3. Social Buzz. The importance of social media has become well known over the last few years, as has the impact of ignoring this growing trend. Giving consumers the chance to both voice concerns and endorse your business means opportunities to grow and build brand loyalty and recognition. Maintaining a strong hold on your social media continues to be crucial.
  4. Rightsizing. Another growing trend this year seems to be “rightsizing,” which means tailoring your stores to the ideal size and number of locations that is right.  This has changed largely as a result of the growth of online/mobile shopping.  If this is a trend you are considering, keep in mind that it needs to be done properly – keeping customers satisfied and maintaining a high level of customer service is paramount when it comes to staying competitive.
  5. Reinvented Loyalty Programs. Shoppers require more incentive than ever when it comes to making a purchase, and loyalty programs can go a long way in achieving this. Take a look at your loyalty program (if you have one), and think about ways of improving it.

Staying up to date with the most recent changes in the retail world is really the only way that you can compete. For more about the latest and greatest retail trends for this year, as well as advice on how to implement them most effectively, Marketsupport can help. Contact us today by calling 1-877-421-5081.

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