E-Commerce Impacts – Online vs. Bricks and Mortar
Over the last few years, the impact e-commerce has had on the retail world has been a constant topic of discussion. The competition caused by the growth of online shopping has led to the development of a number of different strategies for bricks and mortar only locations, as well as those offering both the online and bricks and mortar experience.
Check out this great article from the Globe and Mail, “Retail reboot: How e-commerce is forcing an industry transformation”: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/retail-reboot-how-e-commerce-is-forcing-an-industry-transformation/article21602870/?page=all.
So what are these impacts? The article starts by discussing a recent big box store’s decision to change up the footprint of a new store – making it far smaller but with a bigger storeroom to accommodate online orders. This represents a strategic shift in dealing with e-commerce impacts.
However, is it just an online vs. bricks and mortar game? No. Just last year several big name previously online-only retailers turned the tables by setting up physical locations. Others are encouraging those who shop online to pick up in store. These changes speak to the importance still held by the customer experience and the desire for options on behalf of the customer.
So what do these impacts mean? Overall the changes reflect the need to meet constantly evolving consumer demands – now a harder task than ever. The challenges of keeping up appearances, keeping customers happy, and keeping customers loyal, have become much harder than they used to be.
Concerned about how to implement these changes or others without impacting your customer experience? The online and bricks and mortar game is complex and requires a certain finesse, but there are ways to combat those challenges and come out on top.
Marketsupport has a suite of services to meet your needs, from people support to merchandising – call us today to find out more: 1 877 421 5081.
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